Thursday, October 11, 2012



o   The drill lesson and application lesson.
o   What is drill lesson? Drill lesson is intended for automatization of certain facts, information, habits, attitudes and skills to fix association for permanency or to perfect a certain degree a particular skill.
o   When we say drill it’s more on activity or exercises that you may do. Discuss also the characteristics of good drill which is motivation, focalization, repetition and attention and the application it is important in conducting a drill.
o   Application lesson is a type of learning instruction that gives the learners the opportunity to relate, express and apply what they have learned. In application lesson, certain condition or situation are created that will lead learners to express their thoughts through construction or illustration of the concept, or language what we think or fell.
o   This lesson is very valuable to the teacher and learners. They have types of application lesson. The story, Oral reading, Dramatization, Written composition, Construction and Illustration, Singing, Creative work or composition, Test. This type of application lesson is the way on how you can express your thought and you can relate.

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