Thursday, October 11, 2012



-           The different lesson is which something new is presented or developed. It may be a fact, a skill, generalization or some knowledge.

-          There are two types of different lessons the formal and informal development lesson uses formal time-tested methods such as the inductive, deductive, or problem solving.

-           The informal different lesson does not mature use of a definite method with definite steps.


-          What is the purpose of appreciation lessons, the fundamental purpose is worthwhile. This involves developing right attitudes, ideals and feelings, socially and ethically.
-          There is other purpose of appreciation lessons. Appreciation of Art, music and literature.

There are three (3) types of appreciation:
1.       Aesthetic appreciation
o   Is derived from situations that are artistic and inspiring, as may be found in such subject as music, nature, art, literature and drama.
2.       Ethical-social appreciation
o   Comes from satisfaction in recognizing social or moral qualities of goodness and truth in a situation.
3.       Technical or intellectual appreciation
o   Stems from admiration of the technique, skill in performance, or the mind that produces a creation.

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