Wednesday, October 10, 2012


-          Why is a lesson plan important?
1               A pupil’s education growth depends on the selection of subject matter, activities experience, and methods adapted to his interests, needs, abilities and level of maturity.
2                 A lesson plan includes framing objectives and choosing subject matter, procedures, materials and evaluation techniques.
3       Making a lesson plan involves foreseeing what is likely to happen and choosing experiences that
will change children for the better.

4      A lesson plan serves as a guide to the apprentice teacher.
5       Planning prevent waste of time that usually accompanies unorganized a haphazard teaching.
6      A lesson plan prevents wandering away from the subject matter by making the teacher conscious of what he has to accomplish for the day.
7       A lesson plan gives a feeling of security especially to the beginning teacher who usually feels nervous and tense.
8       The principle of self-activity applies to the learning of both teacher and pupils.
9       Lesson plan are of use not only to teacher but also to principals and supervisor.
        Past lesson plans will be used to a substitute teacher who may take our in an emergency.

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