Wednesday, July 18, 2012

As what I have learned in the discussion regarding the Theories of Learning namely Meta-cognitive learning and Condition of Learning. When we say meta-cognitive it is the new information that can relate to the other information and you will easily understand what it means. You can apply everyday our learning’s in our lives.

 As we grow up, it will always retain in our mind about that information and for the new information at the same time you can relate it you to yourself, because someday we can use it into our future. But sometimes our ideas that can we get through our own experience in the fast years and months. So that it will always retain and we can relate to the other ideas.

Monday, July 16, 2012


The transfer of items from short-term to long-term memory is called consolidation. In fact, theories on consolidation are supported by concussion studies. The claim is concussions completely knock out the working memory as well as the consolidation process, which is critical because if something interrupts this process you will have a very poor memory of what happened prior.

 This was shown through a study completed by a graduate student. In the study the student would sit in on football practices and if someone got tackled really hard or hit in the head the student would up to the player and ask them to recall the previous plays the team had been practicing.

 The results found that most players will remember most of the plays, but not the one immediately before they got hit, thus the hard hit affected the consolidation process.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Learning is the core of the teaching- learning process. What the pupil student learns, however, depends on what the teacher does.
The teacher as facilitator of learning:

·         Provides the conditions for effective learning
·         Seeks to meet the needs and interest of the learner
·         Helps to create condition  for openness, respect , trust, acceptances, confrontation and self-evaluation
·         Places emphasis on the uniqueness and rights of the individual
·         Seeks feedback which will improve his effectiveness as a facilitator of the learning process


Learner must be motivated to learn is a basic principle in the teaching learning process, every learner 

in the classroom, however, is a unique individual. The every learner’s experiential background varies 

from learner to learn. He brings every element in the learning situation.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


           The one who train educate, inculcate, inform, instill, instruct, tutor and everyone who impart knowledge can be called as a teacher.  The one who share supplement ideas in order to meet the needs of their students.  Entwine of being a teacher are the effort, perseverance, endurance and patience. They can’t be called a good teacher if they don’t possess these following characteristic. 

          We know live in a world where technologies exist. Simple and manipulation, computers can give information’s. In just a blink of an eye, you can calculate millions in a calculator. That’s why often time our teachers are being taken for granted. We do forget them.

        Going back to the time where we live in simple life. Who taught us how to count?  Who
Taught us how to read? Who taught us the basics? Is it our teacher, isn’t it? That’s why, even though technologies are inevitably innovating, let’s not make then depreciated instead appreciated.